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     Weekly services at OBC begin with breakfast at 9:30 am. Sunday School begins at am. with classes for all ages (children, youth and adults). Visitors are welcomed to this time of learning and fellowship.

     Sunday morning worship service begins at 11 am. The service includes music, scripture reading, a sermon, a children's message, sharing fellowship and more. Visitors are welcomed to this time of worship, thanksgiving and praise.  Recent Sunday morning services can be viewed here: OBC YouTube channel

     E-Club is held from 4-5:30 on Sunday afternoons at the Emmanuel Center (19 Water Street). The program is geared for children age 4 through grade 6. This special time of learning includes a lesson story, a memory verse, games, refreshments and more.

     "Current" is a contemporary worship service held at 6:00 pm at the Emmanuel Center (19 Water Street). The service is an interchurch/interdenominational event featuring lead worshipers from local churches and communities. Visitors are welcomed to this meaningful time of worship.

     The midweek service is held at 6 pm in the sanctuary. During this service, prayer concerns are shared, followed by Bible study as time allows. Visitors are invited to this time of prayer and spiritual growth.
